Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today is as good a day as any...

to start to make a difference in the world. I named this blog "Make a difference" for a simple reason. It's supposed to remind me that I have made that myself, to my friends and family, and to the world around me.

Holy Shit! I've been taken over by aliens!

Anyway, here I am, sitting here in a coffee shop, blogging to the world. I'm sure that some of the people I know will someday find this and laugh at it. And at me. They've watched me watch the world go by for quite some time. But, some people will get it.

What we do today to make a difference will help move the energy in our world. Every small step counts. What really counts is our commitment, and our agreement with the Universe to start. And then not to quit. Kind of like the movie "Pay It Forward"

Be aware! Once we make this agreement, the Universe isn't gonna let us off of the hook. No "I changed my mind", or " I really didn't believe it", or "Maybe later". If we don't follow our path, the Universe is going to rear back and plant a shoe in our ass! lol

I'm still trying to pull the last one out.

Where I'm going to stand today is that I am the possibility of making a difference in the world. Anyone else in?

On another note...what's up with low-flow toilets? If you have to flush the damn thing 10 times, are you really saving water?